Ideas for our Future
Harnessing our joint Knowledge, Skills and Experience to address the big issues and opportunities of our time
Probably42 is all about developing ideas, both face-to-face and online and is open to anyone who values balanced and considered discussion to participate and contribute.
Our flagship output is our short Manifesto of Ideas for Society in an Artificial Intelligence Future. This is supported by 25 'Considered Proposals'. These contain some 400 ideas overall.
Our discussions focus on the big political issues and opportunities of our time in the UK. Our aim is to influence decision-makers by contributing pragmatic ideas for improving society.
We are an Independent UK Think Tank operating an Ideas Factory nationwide. Probably42 is not aligned to any political party and is made up of ordinary people, with varied business, science, technology, arts, media and education backgrounds across private and public sector.
You can see certain things without being a member and signing in, but do become a member so you can see all the ideas and be able to comment on them or add your own. It's free and you can delete your membership at any time should you want to.
Artificial Intelligence and Copyright - Feb 25
Free Speech - How free should it be? - Jan 25
Democracy - Is it under threat? _ Dec 24
Taxation in the Future - Nov 24
NHS Consultation - Preventative Healthcare - Nov 24
Our Manifesto for Society in the Artificial Intelligence Future (Summary Version) which is just 5 pages as a strawman input to any of the political parties developing their own Vision and Ambition for the Future.
This two page document AI- Making it work for society is the summary of our Vision and Ambition for ensuring that AI, as well as benefitting the Private and Public sector, benefits society at large.
Probably42 is an Independent UK Think Tank and Ideas Factory operating nationwide both online and offline.
It sits within the Knowledge Skills and Experience Foundation.
Our discussions focus on the top big political issues and opportunities of our time in the UK. We generate transformative and pragmatic political ideas through a Knowledge Network of ordinary people engaging in well-balanced political debate, harnessing everyone’s Knowledge, Skills and Experience.
Our Manifesto of Ideas focuses on 10 top strategies and political policies with a particular emphasis on ‘Artificial Intelligence impact on Society’, and ‘Digital Democracy’. The impact of AI on society and particularly the work disruption aspect, will be totally pervasive over the next 20 years. Digital Democracy can enable us to be better informed, better consulted and better represented.
Our aim is to be part of that Digital Democracy (or e-democracy) in the UK, by encouraging political debate and discussion groups online and via video-conferencing to address the big political issues in society now and in the future.
Probably42 is a very different Think Tank. It is open to anyone who values balanced and considered discussion to participate and contribute with views from across the political spectrum. Our big ideas groups are very social groups with a relaxed atmosphere and plenty of humour. We very much want to encourage participation by all age groups but if you are looking for retirement ideas and what to do in retirement, getting involved is a great retirement activity and by now you have plenty of Knowledge, Skills and Experience to offer. If you are interested in getting involved in politics in a small but interesting way, Probably42 is for you. You can get involved by commenting in our discussion forums, commenting on our ideas papers or joining one of our Ideas Groups.
Our big ideas groups strive to find solutions to the big political issues in the UK, which we believe will be acceptable to the majority of people in the UK. Underlying everything we do is a set of Values and Principles, which we call Principled Pragmatism. You’ll find an explanation of these Values and Principles in our document A Manifesto for Society in the Artificial Intelligence Future.
Are you familiar with Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy? If so you will probably have realised that the 42 in our name is no accident. We can’t quite claim we are the answer to life, the universe and everything, just probably!
Wondering where to start? Take a look at our Manifesto for Society in the Artificial Intelligence Future (Summary Version) which will give you a view of te areas we tackle and our thinking to date.
All our outputs are open source for use by anyone.