# Probably42's Documents

  • October 27, 2021
    Uploaded by # Probably42 Category: Considered Proposal 0 1,136 0
    This document is a Considered Response to Government Proposals o the subject of Social Care.
  • This short document is a copy of our input to the Government's AI Council, giving feedback on the National AI Strategy published in October 2021. As a vision, the National AI Strategy is welcome and we are impressed by the huge range of activities t..
  • September 28, 2021
    Uploaded by # Probably42 Category: Considered Proposal 0 2,303 0
    This 2 page document was input to the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) for Artificial Intelligence subsequent to the APPG meeting: National AI Strategy Discussion Series - Growth of the economy through widespread use of AI technologies.
  • September 16, 2021
    Uploaded by # Probably42 Category: Discussion Output 0 1,418 0
    This is the output from the Probably42 Discussion Groups Deep Thought and Zero Gravity. 
  • August 19, 2021
    Uploaded by # Probably42 Category: Discussion Output 0 1,228 0
    This document is the Probaby42 discussion output on the topic of Universal Basic Income and whether it is necessary or desirable, especially in the context of future job disruption as a result of Technology, in particular Artificial Intelligence
  • July 27, 2021
    Uploaded by # Probably42 Category: Considered Proposal 0 1,479 0
    This 'Considered Proposal' is an updated version of the original discussion output from the Probably42 Discussion Groups. How could we reform the adversarial political system?
  • July 2, 2021
    Uploaded by # Probably42 Category: Considered Proposal 0 1,871 0
    This document has been prepared as a result of attending one of the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) on AI, series of events on inputs to the Governments AI Strategy.  This particular one was entitled The ethical, safe and trustworthy d..
  • July 2, 2021
    Uploaded by # Probably42 Category: Considered Proposal 0 1,338 0
    This document was produced as an input to the AI Council as part of feedback on their AI Roadmap. The AI Roadmap will be an input to the Government on their AI Strategy.The Government UK Research and Development Roadmap is a backdrop to this.A much f..
  • July 2, 2021
    Uploaded by # Probably42 Category: Considered Proposal 0 1,350 0
    This document focuses on 3 specific issues and opportunities relating to our future AI Society over the next 20 years that don't currently appear to being addressed, but which are fundamental to a successful future. It was produced as an in..
  • June 22, 2021
    Uploaded by # Probably42 Category: Discussion Output 0 1,559 0
    This document is the output of the Probably42 Discussion Groups on the topic.