# Probably42's Documents

  • This document is a 'considered output' of Probably42. It takes as input the best ideas generated in the individual Probably42 group meetings and incorporates additional ideas generated as a result. It presents these in a structured manner with a summ..
  • July 21, 2020
    Uploaded by # Probably42 Category: Considered Proposal 0 1,688 0
    Educating for Success in Life - A ProposalIssue 1.4 last updated March 2021This 'Considered Proposal' document builds on and replaces the outputs from three discussion meetings on the topic as a series of specific proposals. Should you..
  • Transforming our Democracy and Political System for the 21st Century Issue 2.6 October 2022. When it comes to democracy our vote is a blunt instrument: we normally have no input on political policies, often have to vote for the least-worst part..
  • November 21, 2019
    Uploaded by # Probably42 Category: Considered Proposal 0 2,036 0
    Chamber of the Future Issue 1.0. A paper on addressing the deficit in Government long-term planning. It is an expansion of just one of the proposals in the document: Transforming our Democracy and Political System for the 21st Century.The P..
  • November 14, 2017
    Uploaded by # Probably42 Category: Superseded 0 2,502 0
    This document puts forward a set of suggested strategies for Education in the 21st century. It is identical to the section in the full Manifesto document but extracted here for convenience of a focused discussion on education.
  • September 5, 2017
    Uploaded by # Probably42 Category: Insight Document 0 2,324 0
    This document describes a vision for the future of retirement which was written in 2012 but is just as true now.
  • This document was prepared for the House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence in response to a Call for Evidence. It is based partly on the previous document published on Probably42 called The March of Intelligent Automation.Since thi..
  • Summary of output from third Pie & Pint Meeting of West Berkshire 1
  • April 27, 2017
    Uploaded by # Probably42 Category: Discussion Input 1 3,939 0
    There is an on-going Housing Crisis caused by the rapidly escalating price of homes over a long period of time, making owning a home unaffordable for many of our children.This document has been superseded by the 'Considered proposal' document Ho..